North Rim of the Grand Canyon!
Yes someone was being really grumpy.... I bet you can't guess who it was..
The DO's
Meet up with the Bodhaines,even though there craziness scares me to death, they make everything ten times more fun! We LOVE this family! They were so nice to drive all the way from Cali to The North Rim of the Grand Canyon to hang with us for a few days.
DO go to the North Rim its beauty is spectacular. Very green and not very many tourists. We stayed about 40 minutes outside due to the fact that that was the only place that had RV hookups. The drive to North Rim was gorgeous. The park it self once you get inside is probably only worth a day out of your vacation fyi.
The Dont's
Don't go with the Bodhaines to the Grand Canyon!:)! They are crazy! Every time I turned around, I thought for sure they would fall! They are not afraid of heights!. I think they got sick of my nagging voice.. Actually maybe that's why they did it to hear my pleas to back away from the edge:)
Don't plan to meet up with someone in the middle of nowhere where cell service and internet is nowhere to be found. The only pay phone was a mile walk to the phone and a mile back. We got a lot of exercise going to that stinkin phone to make sure we found them. It was of no use in the end. We thought we were staying at the same place, but when midnight rolled around and the Bodhaines were nowhere to be found we realized they were not staying where we were. We tried to call the next morning but no luck they were out of cell service as well. Luckily they have the biggest bluest truck, as we were driving to the Grand Canyon we happened to see their truck at an INN about 25 miles south of where we stayed. So we were able to meet up:)
Brennan with B and T.

I love Kelsey, she always plays with the little kids and makes the older ones swoon over her.. This girl knows how to work it:) At one point in our families life's together my boys literally got in a fist fight over who was going to get to marry her.
My Good friend Lori, love this crazy lady!
Ready for a our hike...
I think some pinky promises were being talked about in the picture above::)
Who's this handsome hiker:)
Please come away form the edge, please!
Cam found a horny toad, I haven't seen one of those since I was little!
Lori screaming her head off...
Relaxing after a long day of hiking ....