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My hubby and I have been married for 15 years. We have 4 boys and live in Laie HI. Where my husband works for BYU Hawaii.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Driftwood Christmas Tree

Our Uncle has the the most unique  yet pretty darn cool business . He has come up with a way to make Christmas trees out of driftwood. Check out this website. http://www.bluesomersault.com/index.html
 He sent me the starter kit to make my own driftwood Christmas tree. I was really excited!

We have a ton of small driftwood on our beaches and I have toyed around in the past making different things with it.( none of which turned out) except for this. Thanks Greg!

We started by collecting and arranging the pieces from smallest to largest.

Then we wrapped our driftwood in this beautiful Hawaiian sarong.. I Forgot a bag..:)

Then we got out the drill and went to town drilling each piece and then connected them all. 
IT was pretty easy!

 We HAD to take it to the beach and put a beautiful  Hawaiian flower atop with the Hawaiian beach in the background. Love my driftwood tree! Thanks Greg and Kate!!

My driftwood creation ..hehe 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Liae Elementary School Christmas Program

 T and B just performed at their Christmas Program at the Canon Events Center at BYUH.

 It honestly was the coolest and biggest elementary school program I have ever seen. It was held here at BYUH gymnasium and the place was packed!
They even had an "MC" and a big screen showing everything that was happening in the auditorium,  as well as an "Elf"outside which the cameras would go to every once and a while to check to see if Santa was there yet.
The picture below shows kind of what I am talking about.
Then the kids performed, So cute! I got them on video but the videos are too long to subject you too.

Once the kids were finished performing the elf interrupted the program and we saw Santa's sleigh go across the screen . Then in came Santa and the Christmas lights on BYUH were turned on.
It was a fun night! 
I am glad that here the everyone loves to dance and perform, hopefully it will rub off my kids:)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanksgiving and 37 mouths to feed!

Our turkey was cooked in this yard above in an Emu (which is a pit in the ground covered with leaves) it cooked all night long and it was the best turkey I have ever had.  SO Moist, the meat literally fell off the bones. The boy scouts sold tickets to raise money for camp thus they had to do a lot of the work.. "A"  and "B" worked from 5 to 10pm preparing the pit then lighting the fire then picking up turkeys and loading them in the Emu. Best 10$ I have ever spent. 

 "D" invited his students over to eat with us since most of them are not from the island and it is really expensive to fly home. SO we had 37 guests for dinner. WE ended up moving our living room furniture into the garage to make way for the tables and chairs, and to also have people out of the house while a friend (yes I drug a friend into helping me and having her family eat with us, Thanks ANN!) and I finished the preparations.
Garage...maybe we should rent this out:)
 Tables all set, good job boys! 
The food was delicious!! Mostly because of Ann's great culinary skill!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Football is life

Here in the country football is life. I have never seen so much school spirit for a high school team as there is here. My older boys go to Kahuku intermediate and high school. So they basicly are at the same school as the high schoolers even though they are in junior high. Last weekend they were able to attend the state championship game Kahuku vs Obamas almator, ..Check out thevideo below to see if we won or not..hehe if you fast forward to minutes 3-6 it gets a little. More interesting...
The celebration went on all through the night and into the next day and night.


Ps I think the haaka is cool;)

My oldest is convinced he needs to play football next year.. his parents are not so convinced.. those boys are big.. My son, not so much. The following video is a clip from ESPN in 2004 about our little town and football here.. It may give a better glimpse of where we live and how important football is here.
