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My hubby and I have been married for 15 years. We have 4 boys and live in Laie HI. Where my husband works for BYU Hawaii.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Halloween Night

Actual night of Halloween came and as you can see "B" did not get his creepy makeup on again. 
One night in one week was enough. 
So we threw together a couple of outfits.
 I told "A" he could not trick or treat without a costume..
So he went and got an old blanket, cut some holes and was this silly ghost.

Rocker "B". 
You can't see it but he had ear rings, eye make, etc.
This was in front of our neighbors yard. Our street apparently is the place to go on the North Shore. 
Over 1000 trick or treater's.
 We ran out of candy way before that! 
It was a lot of fun! Everyone would just sit out on their driveways to hand out candy.
 You didn't even have to waste your time knocking on doors.

After Trick or treating some friends of ours gave us tickets to go to the
Haunted Lagoon

at the Polynesian Cultural Center.

We here the music every night and have been wanting to go. 

It was so FUN!!!!!

They first have you walk through a haunted house.
 Let me tell you ,
  I have not screamed that much in a long time. 

Then we headed to the actual

you sit on a canoe and stroll through the lagoon.
pictured below

Ghosts, clowns, and crazy things pop out of the water at you.

Great way to end the night!
WE are going to go every Halloween night. 


  1. I'd probably be too sacred to go. It seems like a lot of fun.

  2. Wow. That looks sooo scary. And, you can totally tell that "B" has eye makeup on! Guyliner! That's hard core. Thanks for the pics! Love those grim reapers!
