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My hubby and I have been married for 15 years. We have 4 boys and live in Laie HI. Where my husband works for BYU Hawaii.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sewer Fishing...EWWW

 T, lil B and the neighbor kid decided to go fishing.
In the sewer!
My motherly instincts were screaming noooooo,
  I didn't think any fish would be caught,
Not to mention they were thoroughly entertained for a couple of days, outside!
 so I let them go for it..

they caught 2 cat fish!
 Apparently, it wasn't the sewer but the rain gutter they were fishing in and it goes directly to the ocean.

And no, we did not eat them:) 
They were let back into the" sewer" to find their fishie families:)


  1. From Louis: Do you think I could catch fish in our sewer, guys?

  2. Haha! Ang and I walked over to Big 5 a couple days ago to buy some fishing poles. As we were walking back we were joking about fishing in the storm drains.
