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My hubby and I have been married for 15 years. We have 4 boys and live in Laie HI. Where my husband works for BYU Hawaii.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday Morning

Due to the time change we woke up very early on Sunday morning, our ward doesn't start until 12, so we took a walk.

The Laie Temple.

Then down to the beach. Its just breath taking, the green foliage,the sand, and  the blue blue water.

My kids say the sand feels like heaven,so soft.

We ran into our bishop who is a native Hawaiian, and he was able to teach us a ton of  things about  Laie. Right where we were standing we can swim sea turtles at night, then to the left a little we can walk to Goats island when the tide is low. He also showed how to catch a crab. Those babies are big!

At his house he picked coconuts off the ground and taught the kids how to  open  one up. It was quite the experience!
 Lil B thought it made a great helmet..


  1. Carrie. It looks amazing. I love your house & I can't wait to come visit. You are so close to everything that's great! I also can't wait to stick my kids in your back yard for a camp out. :)

  2. So glad to see that everything is going well. What a fun adventure. We miss you!

  3. I can tell already that these peaks into your new aloha life are going to leave me green with envy! I am so happy for you guys and can't wait to come and visit. When does Dan start teaching?

  4. Looks fabulous! Wish I could take a walk to the beach from my house! Good luck!!!!

  5. yaaaayyy!!! I'm SO excited for you guys!! You are going to have so much fun. And your house looks amazing! My sister-in-law just moved to byu-hi, I told her to look up Dan's class and take whatever he is teaching!!

  6. For some reason, that pic where Bri is carrying his flip flops almost made me cry. It's just like, "wow, we are here and this is our home now and it doesn't feel real". Crazy.
